Hunter hunting along a marsh

Renae Louch


  • Date Taken: 10/29/2023
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Compound Bow
  • Number of Points: 8
  • County: Clare County
  • Property: Private

Watched this buck walk in from about 200 yards across the hayfield. Could not tell what he was but had a good feeling it was a nice buck based on his behavior as he was sniffing the air the entire time as if he was on a hot one. When he got about 40 yards away I drew back because there was a pine tree between he and I and I knew he would not catch me. Unfortunately a doe nearby saw me and ran off a little and stomped. I thought it was over. The buck continued to walk my direction more interested in the doe than anything else. He was quartering to me and I was afraid he was not going to give me the chance at a broadside shot so I compensated and let my arrow fly and that is all she wrote! BBD!