Hunter hunting along a marsh

Robert Tranchemontagne


  • Date Taken: 10/21/2024
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Crossbow
  • Number of Points: 10
  • County: St. Clair County
  • Property: Private

While sitting on the ground hidden in some brush with the wind to my face I tried some grunt calling fallowed up by some antler rattling within 2 or three minutes I had a ten point enter the hay field at 200 yards I made a contact grunt then a snort wheeze and he ran full speed to me and stopped 20 yards away I took the shot and he piled up 80 yards from me it was still early so I continued my hunt and was able to call in a young 4 point about 20 min later he also approached me at 20 yards but I past on him