Hunter hunting along a marsh

Ryan Brown


  • Date Taken: 11/15/2016
  • Time Of Day: Midday
  • Method: Shotgun
  • County: Houghton County
  • Property: Private

I decided to sit all day near a bedding area due to the super moon being out that night/morning. I had read an article the day before that said to sit near there due to the deer would be out all night feeding because of how bright the moon would be. Then during those midday hours of 11-2pm be on the lookout for a buck heading to the bedding area to check for does. I’ve had a tent set up in this very spot since August, and shot a doe with my bow 2 weeks prior in the same location. As luck would have it I woke up from a nap because my neck hurt and here he come down the trail.