Hunter hunting along a marsh

Suzi Kintzele


  • Date Taken: 11/15/2024
  • Time Of Day: Midday
  • Method: Shotgun
  • Number of Points: 7
  • County: Van Buren County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: Unkwn

Decided to move to the dbl stand since I didn’t see anything in the blind this morning. Got to the stand climbed up and froze I couldn’t climb. My son thank god he was with me asked me mom are you tired or afraid and I said afraid! I can’t believe it kinda embarrassing so I climb down and we sit on the ground next to a tree and a fallen tree. He did a few grunts here and there. Then about 1625 he pointed far to the west and I seen a buck coming. Well when your short and have short arms it really takes a wee bit to be able to adjust. Casey my son stopped him 3 times by bleeping and I was able to nail him 100 yds away and dropped him. By the grace of god he dropped right there!