Hunter hunting along a marsh

Tara LaFramboise


  • Date Taken: 10/23/2023
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Crossbow
  • Number of Points: 8
  • County: Midland County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: Unknown

Our friends invited me to hunt their property. I knew I was looking for one of the 3 1/2 year old that we had on camera. Sunday morning, shortly after day break, does come running. I continued to look behind me to see what they were being bumped by. Then I saw this guy and another nice buck. As I lined up to where I projected he would enter the forest from the tall grass, a doe spotted my movement. I froze for a solid 15 minutes as my buck waited at the edge behind a tree because a doe was stomping. Finally, a smaller buck came in and they started sparing a bit. He pushed the buck in and they forgot about danger. It was a half hour from the time I saw him until I had a clear shot. Straight through the heart at 20 yds and watched him drop at 50 yds. My biggest buck!