I got down out of my stand 1 hour early to still hunt the fields on the way back and at 530 I seen a buck getting ready to cross a field. I was 100 yards away and nelt down and tried to steady my aim as he looked my way. I was shaking really bad and couldn’t get steady and we were in a dead lock stare down for 5 minutes! I tried holding on him 3 times I was either to shaky or my scope was fogged. Eventually I calmed my self down talked the sling around my arm put it on his front shoulder and took a deep breath and slowly squeezed off a shot! He ran 100 yards and dropped 20 yards shy of making it into swamp. It’s a good thing he dropped because I couldn’t find a trace of blood any where !

Tommy Gepford
- Date Taken: 11/22/2019
- Time Of Day: Evening
- Method: Shotgun
- Official Score: NA
- County: Kent County
- Property: Private
- Dressed Weight: NA