Hunter hunting along a marsh

Tony Albright


  • Date Taken: 10/01/2021
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Compound Bow
  • Official Score: 132
  • County: Mecosta County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: 230

I had three years of history with this Buck I call big brow. Always showed up late December in the middle of the night on cam until this year. I was lucky enough to video him multiple times throughout the summer. On top of hundreds of trail cam pics. I laid eyes on him opening morning but it was too early to shoot so I watched him rip a small oak sapling apart and tear apart a big old scrape. With the same wind happening that evening I decided to go back in after him. I never seen a single deer until 10 minutes before last shooting night and a big doe stepped out. As I was getting ready to shoot her I heard a twig snap she looked up so I looked up and there he stood at 20 yards. With less than 5 minutes left of legal shooting light I decided it was now or never. And took my shot.