Hunter hunting along a marsh

Trevor Murray


  • Date Taken: 10/01/2021
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Compound Bow
  • County: Gratiot County
  • Property: Private

After a long and eventful off season, I was far from being prepared for this years deer season. The thought heading north was to get the clothes washed in unscented and do some scouting for the morning, however, I couldn’t just let myself sit out on opening day. With a goofy SW wind and stinky clothes, I decided to change it up and find a spot to sit on the ground in hopes of harvesting a doe. With a half hour left of light, this beautiful buck made his way in front of me at 35 yards and presented me with a perfect broadside shot. I wish I could say this one was earned but all credit goes to the man upstairs. Right place at the right time