About 10 minutes after a short calling session, I turn around to see this buck coming my way about 100 yards out. I had just gotten my bow to the other side of the tree, and I look up to see he’s closing in to about 50 yards, he stops there and starts raking a tree and making a scrape. He gets to about 20 yards and starts rubbing a small tree, but there’s too much brush to get a shot. I come to full draw as he starts walking towards me again, and he’s not stoping this time. he’s almost directly under my stand when he stopped when I let him have it, he ran about 45 yards, stood for a little bit, rolled and all was calm. It’s my biggest buck to date!
Trot Wilde
- Date Taken: 10/23/2021
- Time Of Day: Evening
- Method: Compound Bow
- County: Barry County
- Property: Private