Hunter hunting along a marsh

Winston Wood


  • Date Taken: 11/10/2021
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Crossbow
  • Official Score: ?
  • County: Kent County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: 155

Got the kids off to school and figured I would try and get the drop tine. I’ve had him on camera leading up to bow season, I seen him on October 1st and he disappeared until yesterday when I seen him on the neighbors property hot on a doe. So I finally made it to the stand well after first light about 8 o’clock. I did a drag with some doe pee and then sat and waited… no action and I wasn’t planning on sitting to long, just a quick hunt. So at 9:40 I see this rack through the bushes, but he’s headed the wrong way. I too the doe can and he stops… the wind is in my favor so I dow bleated again and he started walking my way fast… I range found a certain spot and when he stepped their I sent the bolt his way. I knew I hit a little far back on a quaffing away shot, but hit liver and lung. The buck bolted straight in front of me and then stopped to look back with blood pouring out at 80 yards away. Heard him crash but let him lay for 3 hours. Went out with my buddy to track, he went about 100 yards and piled up…